Viber End User Agreement

Viber End User Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

Viber is a popular messaging app used by millions of people worldwide. It provides an easy-to-use platform to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues across the globe. To use the Viber app, users need to agree to the Viber End User Agreement.

What is the Viber End User Agreement?

The Viber End User Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for using the Viber app. By using the Viber app, users accept these terms and agree to abide by them. The agreement covers various aspects of using the app, including privacy policies, user-generated content, and intellectual property rights.

Privacy Policy

The Viber End User Agreement has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how the app collects and processes user data. The policy covers topics such as how Viber collects personal information, how this information is stored and used, and how users can control the data they share. Viber is committed to protecting user privacy and promises to keep user data secure.

User-Generated Content

The Viber app allows users to generate and share content such as messages, photos, and videos. The Viber End User Agreement outlines the rules and guidelines for sharing user-generated content. Users are responsible for the content they share and must not infringe on the rights of others. The agreement prohibits users from sharing illegal, offensive, or harmful content.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Viber End User Agreement also covers intellectual property rights. Viber owns all rights, titles, and interests in the app and associated intellectual property. Users are not allowed to copy, modify, or distribute any content or materials from the app without Viber`s permission. The agreement also prohibits users from infringing on Viber`s intellectual property rights or those of any third party.


The Viber End User Agreement is a legal document that all Viber users must accept to use the app. It covers various aspects of using the app, including privacy policies, user-generated content, and intellectual property rights. By agreeing to the Viber End User Agreement, users commit to using the app responsibly and respecting the rights of others. If you have any questions about the Viber End User Agreement, you can contact Viber`s customer support team for assistance.

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